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Seriously, we are this mad about red cups?

Let's file the Starbucks red cup infuriation under the category of "I can't even."

Let's review the facts:

  • Starbucks is a secular company.
  • Starbucks is very vocal about their left-leaning views on issues like gay marriage and gun rights.
  • Starbucks says if you don't believe what they believe, don't buy their products.
  • Starbucks coffee sucks anyway (but not their toasted graham latte. YUM).

So, let me get this straight, I should be OUTRAGED that a secular company with views many would consider in contradiction to the values conservative Christians claim has removed "the symbols of Christmas" from their cups? I'm sorry, was there a nativity scene on a cup I missed? Or just all the most important symbols of Christmas like Christmas trees and holiday wreaths? 

I can't even. 

Starbucks has been polluting their coffee with politics for some time now. I don't regularly frequent the store because (a) I would rather support local coffee shops and drink GOOD coffee, like Elemental; (b) I don't like to waste significant amounts of money on coffee drinks; and (c) I don't like to purchase things from someone who says if I don't believe what they do, I shouldn't come in their door. It's not an active boycott; if momma needs a decaf, wet, whole-milk cappuccino, she is probably stopping there. (I don't discriminate; I eat Oreos and ChikFilA.) But, if it's convenient, I am always going local or, most likely, saving my cash. 

Fine, you say it isn't about the cup. This blog post isn't either. It is about my ever-increasing frustration with the cultural issues Christians choose to engage with a ferocity and intensity I believe should be reserved for issues that matter, like foster care and incarceration. 

Let's absolutely boycott Starbucks and put that $5 a day on coffee to nonprofits who engage the homeless, the disenfranchised, the ones in need. But let's be honest: most aren't going to do that. We are going to post an article on Facebook, pandering to those who think like us and putting Starbucks on blast, a company who desires "to create a culture of belonging, inclusion and diversity."

This is not a defense of Starbucks, as I've clearly outlined my own set of complaints about the company. But that last thing, the part about the culture they desire, is haunting. Because I thought that was the job of the church. 

Jenna Worthen2 Comments